Announcements for Wednesday, October 28 th   I. Right after these announcements, the 7 th grade ETS students will meet in the cafeteria. II. Thanks to a grant and donation from Partnership for Success and Harbor House, each of you will receive a water bottle today for you to keep. III. Reminders:  You may donate diapers or other baby items in Mrs. Frost’s classroom.  7 th grade Cheerleaders will have their photo taken tomorrow during 7 th period.  Complete the Flex Friday survey that Mr. Sherrer emailed to each of you.  Charge your Chrome Books at home each night. IV. Attention students who bring their lunch from home: Starting today, you can go through the line and get a free fruit, vegetable, and milk. You must get all three items in order to get them for free and you must know your lunch / ID number. V. From Mrs. Rose: Remember the focus of Red Ribbon Week is to remind us to be drug free for life! To be healthy and make good decisions you have to have a healthy way of thinking. Here are great ways to think of positive things to say. I am a leader, I am amazing, I deserve all good things, Today is going to be my day, I give myself permission to make good choices, and I Choose to be Drug Free, Just being who I want to Be!   Today's Tobacco Facts -Smokers have an increased risk of illness. Studies show that smokers get sick more with colds, flu, heart attacks, bronchitis, and pneumonia than nonsmokers.  Staying Tobacco-free will give you more energy, better looks, more money in your pocket, and in the long- run, more life to live!   Did you know that Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids reports that 69,000 youth under 18 that live in Arkansas will ultimately die prematurely from smoking? Congratulations to Yesterday's Red Ribbon Statistics winners!  1st place Hailey Heard, consolation winners Madyson Dowell, Jude Andrews, Zoe Adams, Chloe Cossey and Emma Wells. Winners stop by to see Mrs. Rose to claim your prize. Look for today's chance to win in Mrs. Rose's Counselor's Corner Classroom. Tomorrow's Red Ribbon Week Dress up Them is Drug-Free and Proud to be a Bearcat-wear Red and Black. VI. Lunchtime Weather: We will be inside for lunch today VII. Lunch Menu: * Mini Corn Dogs * Meatball Sub * Hot Dog * Wing Bar * PB&J Sandwich * Turkey or Ham Sandwich * Turkey Chef Salad
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Mena Middle School BADD members Autumn Lockhart, Destiny Hogan and Jeanett Kyle worked hard today to personalize 375 water bottles. The bottles have a drug free message on them and will be given to each Mena Middle School students as an encouragement to be drug and tobacco free. The bottles were sponsored by the Partnership for Success, grantee Jadyn McGrew with Harbor House, Inc. Jaydyn in collaboration with Prevention Specialists, Ashley Curbow, with Community Service Inc. also provided prizes for this week's Red Ribbon competitions. Thank you to these ladies and the programs they represent for helping us have a little extra this year.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Mena MIddle School final 1st 9- week report cards were sent home with students Monday, blended students were mailed. Families please take the time to visit with your children about their academic success. Grades can also be accessed on our website online at the Home Access Center. Remember Mena MIddle School has free after school tutoring Monday through Thursday until 4:30. On Monday's we have an extended hour from 5:30-6:30. Please take advantage of this time to get extra academic support.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Mena was scheduled to play at Dover on Nov the 3rd for a make up JH/7TH game.....this game has been cancelled due to Covid issues on Dover's end. That means this Thursday's home game against Trinity will conclude our JH and 7th grade football season.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
jr sched change
Mena Middle School will host our 7th Annual Christmas Shop. We want to continue to offer this opportunity to model giving. We are seeking new or very gently used items students would enjoy giving to parents. Small items are preferred as gifts will travel home from school. We will be setting up shop the week after Thanksgiving. If you would like to contribute to our store please drop off items at MMS Office or contact Mrs. Rose or Mrs. Gann and we will arrange to pick up items.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
xmas shop
To kick off Red Ribbon Week. The new Project Prevent Team at Mena Middle School set up the opportunity for student to sign the banner to pledge to be drug and tobacco free.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
mmd rrw
Be a part of the Mena Middle School Diaper Drive!!!!
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Dear Parents/Guardians, Our funding for next year is based on the number of meals that we serve this year and the number of free/reduced applications we receive. Which can be accessed on the Mena school website, under food service information. In an effort to maintain our funding for school year 21-22, Mena Public Schools will be providing meals for students participating in Flex Fridays, blended learning, and PCVA. Blended and PCVA students can request a week's worth of meals by accessing the link each week on the school website under food service information or there is a link shared on Facebook each week. Flex Friday meals will be sent home with students on Thursday afternoon with students who will not be attending in-person classes on Friday. In order to meet USDA meal pattern requirements, some items may need to be refrigerated as soon as your child arrives home. Please check their meal bags for these. There will be a form posted on the Mena Schools website, and the school's Facebook pages. We would appreciate you filling this out if you plan for your child to learn from home on Fridays. If in the future you decide not to participate you may opt-out by contacting Susan Bodey, Aramark food service director @ 479-234-1161, or Amy Bartow, Mena schools food service director @ 479-216-0060. Thank You for your support during these trying times! Susan Bodey Follow the link to the Flex Friday Meal Order Form.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
flex meals
You can order your Mena Middle School Yearbook online. Just follow the link.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
mms yearbook
Students bringing lunch from home must take all three in order to be free.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Announcements for Monday, October 26 th   I. 1 st Quarter report cards will be handed out today during ACHIEVE. II. After these announcements, the 6 th grade Quiz Bowl team will be meeting in the conference room. III. From Mrs. Lunsford: The 7 th grade Cheerleaders will have a group photo for the yearbook this Thursday during 7 th period. Bring your uniform to change into. IV. This Friday, October 30 th , will be our first district-wide “Flex Friday.” For more important details, you and your parents can see the Superintendent’s informational video on the Mena Public School Facebook page, or Mr. Sherrer’s informational letter on the MMS Facebook page. Mr. Sherrer also sent each of you an email with information. V. Tomorrow's Red Ribbon Week dress up Theme is Team up Against drugs. Dress up as twins or as your favorite team.   VI. We have had a problem lately of someone opening the handicap access door to Mrs. Farringer’s room during 6 th grade lunch. This is a reminder that we have video cameras in each hallway and will use it to determine who is doing it, if it happens again. VII. Lunchtime Weather: If we have to say inside for lunch today…  After eating your lunch, please leave the cafeteria and go sit in your grade-level hallway.  You are not allowed to use your phone / device until you have left the cafeteria and are in the hallway. VIII. Lunch Menu: * Pork Carnitas * Steak Sandwich * Hamburger * Waffle Bar * PB&J Sandwich * Turkey or Ham Sandwich * Chef Salad
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Friday, October 23, 2020 Dear Parents & Students The Mena School Board recently approved a change to our Ready for Learning Plan that I want to inform you of. It is the implementation of a 4:1 school week with a Flex Friday option beginning on Friday, October 30th. What does this mean? School will operate just as it is now for four days per week. On Flex Friday, school will be open, lunch will be served, and assignments will be given but the day will be optional for all students to attend in person or not. On Flex Friday, students who choose to flex will log into their classroom assignments given by their teachers and do their learning at home. Students who choose to attend school will also have virtual assignments for that day and will have an adjusted schedule to accommodate their online assignments and to give their teachers time to help blended students and plan for the upcoming week. Students who choose to learn from home on the Flex-day will not be counted absent. Instruction will be 100% virtual. These are catch-up days for teachers and students: there will be no new content taught or major assessments given. When will this start? Friday, October 30th How long will this go on? Indefinitely, we will continue to monitor the needs and concerns of our students, teachers and parents and adjustments could continue to be made throughout the school year. What if I don’t have internet access? Many of the assignments for Flex Friday may be assigned earlier in the week and students will have an opportunity to work on them using the school internet. We also offer tutoring Monday through Thursday after school till 4:30 (and Monday evenings 5:30-6:30) at school. The Flex Friday is an option to stay home but school will be open to those students that need to attend. Your student will be receiving an email with a questionnaire about Flex Friday. Answering this will give us some valuable information on how to plan for which students may be here. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 479-394-2572. Thanks for your understanding during these unprecedented times. Clifton Sherrer, Principal Mena Middle School
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Click the link for the meal order form for the week of November 2nd-6th. PIck up is Friday from 1pm-2pm at Louise Durham & Mena High School.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Announcements for Friday, October 23 rd   I. Today is the deadline to order your Yearbook at the lowest price possible. II. One week from today, Friday, October 30 th , will be our first district-wide “Flex Friday.” You will have a choice whether to attend school that day or stay home and conduct virtual learning. For more important details, you and your parents can see the Superintendent’s informational video on the Mena Public School Facebook page. III. Reminders:  Check the fliers on the library windows to see what the dress-up themes are for each day of next week’s Red Ribbon Week.  1 st Quarter report cards will be handed out next Monday  Coloring sheets for the Halloween Coloring Contest sponsored by the Pulse, are located outside of the front office and are due today. You can turn yours in at the front office. IV. Lunchtime Weather: V. Lunch Menu: * Burrito * Mini Corndogs * Backyard Burger * Pizza * PB&J Sandwich * Turkey or Ham Sandwich * Pizza Salad
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Blended & virtual student meals for October 26th-October 30th may be picked up today at Louise Durham Elementary or Mena High School between 1 and 2 pm.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
meal pick up
The Mena 7th Grade & Jr. High Bearcats played at Dardanelle on Thursday. Dardanelle won the 7th Grade game 18-8. Dardanelle won the Jr. High game 31-0. Both teams will play next on October 29th when Mena host Trinity Christian.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
final score
Announcements for Thursday, October 22 nd   I. Tomorrow is the deadline to order your Yearbook at the lowest price possible. II. Today the 7 th grade football team is dismissed at 2:45. III. Next Friday, October 30 th , will be our first district-wide “Flex Friday.” You will have a choice whether to attend school that day or stay home and conduct virtual learning. For more important details, you and your parents can see the Superintendent’s informational video on the Mena Public School Facebook page. IV. Reminders:  Check the fliers on the library windows to see what the dress-up themes are for each day of next week’s Red Ribbon Week.  1 st Quarter report cards will be handed out next Monday  Coloring sheets for the Halloween Coloring Contest sponsored by the Pulse, are located outside of the front office. V. Lunchtime Weather: VI. Lunch Menu: * BBQ Chicken * Chicken Tenders * Bacon Cheeseburger * Taco Bar * PB&J Sandwich * Turkey or Ham Sandwich * Popcorn Chicken Salad
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
The Mena 7th Grade & Jr. High will play ay Dardanelle today beginning at 5:30pm.. GO BEARCATS!!!
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Mr. Benny Weston announces the addition of "Flex Fridays" to the Mena Public School's Ready for Learning Plan! To watch the video click on the link below. If you would like to read the adjusted Ready for Learning Plan in it's entirety click on the link below.
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson
Announcements for Wednesday, October 21 st   I. Right after these announcements, the 7 th grade ETS students will meet in the cafeteria. II. Today is the first day of the second grading quarter. Report cards for the first quarter will be handed out on Monday. III. Several of you need to be reminded that everything you do on your Chrome Book or other device can be seen by our tech department, your teachers, and administrators. Use your device for school work only. There will be consequences if you use your device inappropriately. IV. If you are interested in entering the Polk County Pulse Halloween Coloring Contest, you can come get a copy of the Pulse located outside the front office. The contest is for students 13 years old or younger. The contest sheet is located on the back page of this week’s Pulse. V. Next week is Red Ribbon Week. Check out the fliers on the library windows to see what the dress-up themes are for each day. VI. Lunchtime Weather: VII. Lunch Menu: * Ravioli * Hot Dog * Chicken Sandwich * Wing Bar * PB&J Sandwich * Turkey or Ham Sandwich * Turkey Chef Salad
over 3 years ago, Mark Hobson